Computer Aided Methodology for Integrated Consulting in Application Selection and Exploitation
David Brütsch, Prof. P. Schönsleben
CIM Center Muttenz, CHF&B, ProConcept, Sirius Team SA, Siveco SA
Financed by:
CTI 2785. 1 (Commission for technology and innovation)
The goal of the CAMICASE programme is to develop an instrument which should enable a rapid, uncomplicated and cost-effective analysis of an enterprise.Further objectives are:
- To enable an enterprise high quality analysis within a few days
- To know how the enterprise performs, in quantitative (financial and non-financial) terms compared to similar enterprises
- To find out the needs of development of the compagny in terms of its infrastructure, organisation, R&D, planning and control, logistics, operations, marketing and business
- To provide a testing-tool to ensure a continuos improvement via regular audits. The long term effect of continuos audition is extremely valuable because the more improvement takes place the more difficult is becomes to identify the next area for improvement.
With CAMICASE as a tool-kit lengthy and expensive analysis can be avoided. The strengths and weaknesses of the business can be discovered quickly and the efforts can be concentrated on areas with maximum potential for improvement.
Activities in 1997
- Detailconception of the CAMICASE-method
- Design of questionnaries for the analysing consultant and for analysed companies
- Development of an IT-supported application for test cases
- Final report (will be published in summer 1998)