Integral Logistic Management

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Integral Logistic Management (5th Edition)

Prof. Paul Schönsleben
Operations and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies, Fifth Edition

Integral Logistics Management: Operations and Supply Chain Management Within and Across Companies, Fifth Edition prepares students to tackle the logistical, planning, and managerial challenges they’ll face on the job. It covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of the differing characteristics, tasks, methods, and techniques of planning and control in company logistics.





  • Supplies comprehensive coverage of logistics management in both theory and practice
  • Includes summaries, key words, cases, and exercises to aid in classroom use, plus an interactive companion website with useful downloads
  • Defines key terms of five CPIM modules contained in the APICS SPIM Exam Content Manual as well as in the CSCP program
  • Covers made-to-order, assemble-to-order, engineer-to-order, additive manufacturing for personalized orders, and other logistical characteristics of product variety
  • Provides significant coverage of location planning and sustainability of service networks, plus expanded coverage of risk management

New in Fifth Edition:

  • An additional chapter on supply chain design, encompassing a major section on the integrated design of production, distribution, retail, service, and transportation networks
  • An extended section on sustainability in supply chains, comprising the measurement of environmental performance
  • An expanded chapter on product families and one-of-a-kind production, containing new methods for the "engineer-to-order" production environment
  • New sections on the use of available-to-promise and capable-to-promise methods, as well as the use of enabling technologies toward personalized production

The book examines the logistical characteristics of product variety, including made-to-order, assemble-to-order, engineer-to-order, and additive manufacturing for personalized orders. The material in the text covers most of the key terms in the five CPIM modules contained in the APICS CPIM Exam Content Manual, as well as in the CSCP program—making it an ideal self-study resource.

Fifth edition. CRC Press, £63.99, Cat. #: K27201, ISBN: 9781498750530, Publication Date: March 28, 2016, Number of Pages: 850

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