Teaching Material
Published Books (Selection)

- Integrales Logistikmanagement (Paul Schönsleben, 2016)
- Integral Logistics Management (Paul Schönsleben, 2016)
- Integrales Informationsmanagement (Paul Schönsleben, 2001
- Additional interacitve elements for the book here
- Specker, Adrian: Modellierung von Informationssystemen: Ein methodischer Leitfaden zur Projektabwicklung. Zürich: vdf, 2005

- Logistics Game
simulation of a mass production manufacturing company demonstrating effects of Lean Production - Beer Game
simulation of a production network to demonstrate the Bullwhip-Effect
- Both games played with approximately 120 students per term and as a service for externals (Hilti AG, ABB, Credit Suisse, University of Applied Sciences Basel, et cetera