Decision-support for Eco-efficiency Improvements in Production Systems Based on Discrete-event Simulation


A. Sproedt

Financed by:

Partially funded by CTI No. 12402.1 PFES-ES
The professorship’s own resources


Complex interrelations between the environmental and economic performance aspects of a production system represent a high non-transparency for decision makers in manufacturing, hindering them to seize the existing potential for eco-efficiency improvements. Manufacturing companies thus struggle to translate strategic eco-efficiency targets into concrete improvement measures on an operational shop-floor level.
This dissertation describes a decision-support for manufacturing companies to improve the eco-efficiency of their production systems based on two main elements:

  • 1. A sophisticated simulation approach is proposed based on discrete-event simula-tion, that integrates the environmental and economic performance dimensions in one model in order to enable a holistic, system-oriented evaluation of potential improvement measures. The simulation approach integrates the Ecoinvent Life Cycle InventoInventory database, allowing for an unprecedented degree in flexibility and seamlessly integrating Life Cycle Assessment evaluations into the simulation.
  • 2. A structured system analysis and mod-eling procedure is described, which serves as methodical guidance for the application of the simulation approach. The procedure helps decision makers to analyze their pro-duction systems, identify relevant im-provement measures and gather the data necessary for their evaluation.

The developed simulation approach and the system analysis and modeling procedure represent a significant step beyond the state of the art. The results will enable practitioners to identify and evaluate the appropriate measures to increase the eco-efficiency of their production systems and hence contribute to an improved environmental and economic performance of manufacturing companies.

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