Introduction of a Knowledge Management System
S. Günther, I. Hartel, Prof. P. Schönsleben
Bühler AG
Financed by:
Bühler AG
Market demands customer orientation along with rapid organizational changes - especially in human resources - within the enterprise. This sets requirements for a more targeted and effi-cient implementation of the success factor "knowledge". The promotion of communication across departments and increased ease of access to expert knowledge are of critical importance. As a complement to the GLOBEMEN project, this project will demonstrate the implementation potential of modern information systems in the area of knowledge management in a concrete application. Ways to overcome the hurdles when introducing the systems will be demonstrated.
The objectives of the project are to:
Introduce and distribute company-wide an Intranet-based information system similar to the "Yellow Pages" by
- designing procedures for rapid distribution of the Yellow Pages within the Bühler company,
- developing a workshop concept for purposes of identifying knowledge requirements; this will serve as the basis for the search categories,
- designing an incentive system for employee motivation.
The following activities have already been completed:
Distribution procedures have been designed and first workshops have been carried out for the areas of production and support functions. The system is thus already available to more than 3,000 users. According to plan, the next step will consist in a comprehensive internal marketing campaign and the inclusion of further company areas.